Dennis Barton is the sole director of the company.
Dennis holds Bachelor’s degrees in Science and Economics and a Fellowship of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia having qualified as an Actuary in 1973. He is also qualified as an Associate of the Securities Institute of Australia in 1973 and was elevated to a Fellow of that Institute in 1985. This qualification is now the Senior Fellowship of the Financial Services Institute of Australia (FINSIA).
Before commencing this practice Dennis was the Western Australian Government Actuary. He was, for a time, Chairman of the Western Australian State Superannuation Board (now GESB) and also chaired the Western Australian Fire and Emergency Services Superannuation Board. Dennis was previously on the independent advisory board for Aspen Group Ltd, was a board member (and later Treasurer) of Future Living Trust from 1995 to 2019 and held the same offices in Activ Foundation Inc from 1995 to 2003. He was also an inaugural councillor of Activ and is a Life Friend of that organisation.
Liz is the practice’s office manager.
Liz joined the company in 2010 and graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce & Science in 2012 from The University of Western Australia. Liz attained her Diploma of Financial Planning in 2014 and her Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning in 2017. She qualified as an Associate of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA) in 2014 and was elevated to a Senior Associate of that Institute in 2015.
Liz was previously the Treasurer for Friends of L’Arche Perth and is currently the Secretary of 55 Central Inc..
Emerald is the office administrator.
Emerald joined the company in 2024 as a part-time office administrator while they study full-time at university. They are studying a Bachelor of Computing majoring in Software Engineering. She has 10 years of administrative experience after completing two certificate III’s in Business and Business Admin in 2013. Emerald also volunteers her time in Perth community groups and exhibitions such as, Western Australia Content Creators Hub (WACCH) and Pixel Expo.